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How To Create Buy One Get One – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce (2024 Tutorial)

How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce

Buy One Get One Free or BOGO Deals in WooCommerce is a way to give a certain quantity of a product with a discount to the customer when he buys a certain quantity of the same product or another product. In this How To Create Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce tutorial we are going to create some of the BOGO deals scenarios with the WooCommerce Deals Plugin. WooCommerce BOGO discount pricing deals are the best way to bring new clients to your store by giving them attractive-looking incentives. You can run BOGO deals in WooCommerce easily with the WooCommerce Advanced Coupons plugin introduced in this article. This article covers some types of BOGO discounts in WooCommerce like Buy 1 Get 1 Free, Buy 1 Get 1 50% off WooCommerce or Buy 1 Get 1 Half OFF in WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Advanced Coupons plugin is a popular plugin that helps to set up Buy One Get One Free or BOGO Deals in WooCommerce easily. WooCommerce Advanced Coupons plugin supports complete WooCommerce BOGO deals like Buy product A and gets product A with a discount, Buy product A get product A for free, Buy product A get product B with a discount, Buy product A get product B for free. In this tutorial, we will cover some of the BOGO deals scenarios with the WooCommerce Advanced Coupons plugin and you can download this plugin here.

How To Create Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce For Same And Different Products

There are different scenarios for WooCommerce BOGO Delas and we listed some of them here.

Get Same Product

  • Buy 1 quantity of product A and get another 1 quantity of product A for free.
  • Buy 1 quantity of product A and get another 1 quantity of product A with a discount.
  • Buy 2 quantity of product A and get 1 another quantity of product A for free or Buy 2 Get 1 free (Buy Two Get One Free).
  • Buy 2 quantity of product A and get 1 another quantity of product A with a discount or Buy 2 Get 1 discounted.

Get Another Product

  • Buy 1 quantity of product A and get 1 quantity of product B for free.
  • Buy 1 quantity of product A and get 1 quantity of product B with a discount.
  • Buy 2 quantity of product A and get 1 quantity of product B for free or Buy 2 Get 1 free (WooCommerce Buy Two Get One Free).
  • Buy 2 quantity of product A and get 1 quantity of product B with a discount or Buy 2 Get 1 discounted.

WooCommerce Advanced Coupons Plugin

WooCommerce Advanced Coupons Plugin is a popular plugin to create BOGO deals in WooCommerce. This plugin offers different types of discounts like simple discounts, storewide discounts, bulk discounts, tiered discounts, cart discounts, WooCommerce Discount Rules, WooCommerce BOGO discounts, WooCommerce buy 2 get 1 free discounts, Advanced WooCommerce checkout fees, Advanced WooCommerce shipping methods, etc. In this article, we are going to use WooCommerce BOGO deals of the WooCommerce Advanced Coupons Plugin.

Video Tutorial

WooCommerce Advanced Coupons Plugin – How To Automatically Add Free Products To Cart

The WooCommerce Advanced Coupons Plugin has a great feature to automatically adding free products to the cart for the BOGO deals. To enable this feature of the plugin please follow the below steps.

  1. Go to the plugin settings page in the backend of your WordPress site.
  2. Open the “Product Pricing” section in the “General” tab of the plugin settings.
  3. Set “Automatically add free products to cart” to “Yes” and save the settings as like the below image.
How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce advanced coupons
Automatically Add Free Product To Cart

Create Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce Same Product

Time needed: 10 minutes.

Use Buy One Get One Free or BOGO Deals in WooCommerce to give 1 quantity of the product for free when a customer purchase it. Follow the below steps to create a BOGO deal in WooCommerce for the same product.

  1. Add a new pricing rule in the Advanced WooCommerce Coupons plugin.

    As like the below image go to the pricing tab in the plugin and click on the “Add New” button to add a new pricing rule.How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce

  2. Create a pricing rule like the below image and click on the save button to save the rule.
    How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce

  3. Add one quantity of the product to the cart.

    Go to the product page and add one quantity of it to the cart like the below image.

  4. Checking BOGO deal in the cart

    After adding 1 quantity of the product to the cart in the previous step, the cart will be like the below image. Because we enabled Auto Add To Cart for Free products in the Advanced WooCommerce Coupons plugin so the plugin added the free quantity automatically to the cart.

Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) Another Product

In this section of the article, we are going to create a Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) deal for another product so when a customer purchase product A will get product B for free.

Step 1: Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce for Another Product Pricing Rule

Create a pricing rule like the below image and click on the save button to save the rule

How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce
WooCommerce BOGO Deal Another Product

Step 2: Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce for Another Product in the Product Page

Go to the purchase product page to add one quantity of it to the cart.

WooCommerce BOGO Discount Rule
BOGO Discount For the Product

Step 3: Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce for Another Product in the Cart Page

After adding the product to the cart in the previous step, the free product will be added to the cart automatically as like the below image. Please make sure that you enabled the “Auto Add To Cart” feature in the plugin settings.

WooCommerce BOGO Deals - Advanced WooCommerce Coupons
BOGO discount for the product on cart

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Same Product

WooCommmerce Buy 1 Get 1 half offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) is one of the popular WooCommerce BOGO deals and in this section of the article we will cover it. We are going to create a Buy One Get One with a Discount deal for the same product so when a customer purchase a quantity of product A will get another quantity of that product with a discount. The discount can be a WooCommerce percentage discount or a WooCommerce price discount. In this example, we are going to create WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) of the same product.

Step 1: Create WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Rule

We should create a WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Rule that offers a quantity of the product with a 50% discount. The discount can be a WooCommerce percentage discount or WooCommerce price discount. Let’s create a WooCommerce BOGO discount rule like the below one to offer WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount to our clients.

How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer

Step 2: Checking WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Product Page

If you check the product that you used in your rule you will see the WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) message on the product page. Let’s try to add 2 quantities of the product to the cart and check the discounted price on the cart page.

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Product Page
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer

Step 3: Checking WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Cart Page

Now it’s time to check the WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) on the cart page. If you add 2 quantities of the product to the cart you will see the applied discount by the Advanced WooCoummerce Coupons plugin to the product like the below image.

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Cart
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Cart

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Another Product

By using the WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) we can increase our sales, for example we can give a WooCommerce half offer discount on another product when customer buys a product. In this section of the article we are going to create a WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) on another product.

Step 1: Create WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Rule

We should create a WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Rule that offers a quantity of another product with a 50% discount when the customer buys 1 quantity of our desired product. The discount can be a WooCommerce percentage discount or WooCommerce price discount. Let’s create a WooCommerce BOGO discount rule like the below one to offer WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount to our clients.

How To Create Buy One Get One Free - BOGO Deals in WooCommerce
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Another Product

Step 2: Checking WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Product Page

Open products that you used in the rule for Buy product and Get the product to check the WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) message on them and add 1 quantity of each one to the cart to check the applied discount with the WooCommerce Advanced Coupons plugin. First, we should add 1 quantity of the Buy product to the cart and then open the Get product page to see it has a half-price like the below images.

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Buy Product Page in WooCommerce advanced coupons plugin
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer – Buy Product
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer - Get Product in WooCommerce advanced coupons plugin
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer – Get Product

Step 3: Checking WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer On Cart Page

Now it’s time to check the WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer (WooCommerce Buy 1 Get 1 50% discount) on the cart page. If you add 1 quantity of each buy and get products to the cart you will see the applied discount by the Advanced WooCoummerce Coupons plugin to the get product like the below image

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Another Product On Cart With WooCommerce advanced coupons plugin
WooCommerce Buy One Get One Half Offer Another Product On Cart

If you want to create eye-catching sale badges for your pricing rules, read these articles :

How To Create Buy One Get One Free – BOGO Deals in WooCommerce Conclusion

As we learned in this WooCommerce BOGO Discounts full guide article these deals are a great way to increase the store sales and bring new customers to your store. Unfortunately, creating Buy One Get One Free – BOGO deals is not possible with WooCommerce coupons so we used the WooCommerce Advanced Discounts to create BOGO Deals for our store. Also, this plugin is a popular plugin to create WooCommerce Discount Rules. We hope that this article is useful for you and use BOGO Deals in your WooCommerce store.

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How to create WooCommerce Bulk Discounts?  (2024 Tutorial)

WooCommerce Bulk Discount is the best way to boost your store sales and encourage your store clients to buy large quantities of an item from your store and increase your sales. When you offer discounts on large quantities it encourages users to purchase large volumes of the item to get more discount. We created this how to create a WooCommerce bulk discounts article to help you in creating WooCommerce bulk discounts step by step. We will help you to create and manage WooCommerce bulk discounts like bulk price discount for a specific product, bulk price discount for a specific category, storewide bulk discounts, bulk discount for variable products, bulk discount based on cart quantity. With WooCommerce Discount Rules free plugin introduced in this article, you can create and manage advanced WooCommerce bulk discount codes for your store to make it attractive to a buyer.

What are WooCommerce Bulk Discounts?

WooCommerce bulk discounts are a WooCommerce discount method to give a discount on quantities purchased by a customer in other words you can give a tiered discounted price on the quantities purchased by the customer. For example, you can give 10% discounts on quantities between 10-20 and 15% discount on quantities between 21-30 and 20% discounts on quantities of more than 31. This way you can encourage your customers to buy more quantities of the item from your store. In this article, we will show you how to create a bulk discount on tiers with a percentage or a price discount.


  • Buy 2 quantities of the product and get a 5$ price discount.
  • Buy 3 quantities of the product and get a 7$ price discount.
  • Buy 4 quantities or more of the products and get a 20% percentage discount.

Also, you can apply a bulk discount on multiple tiers like:

  • Buy quantities between 2 – 10 and get a 10% percentage discount on the product.
  • Buy quantities between 11 – 20 and get a 20% percentage discount on the product.
  • Buy quantities between 21 – 30 and get a 30% percentage discount on the product.
  • Buy 31 or more quantities of the product and get a 40% percentage discount on the product.

Benefits of using a WooCommerce Bulk Discounts

WooCommerce bulk discounts has some powers and you can use them in your store to:

  • Encourage your customers to purchase more quantities of a product.
  • Attract new customers to your store.
  • An strategy to clear stocks.
  • Introduce yourself as a reliable wholesale provider.

How to create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount?

Easy WooCommerce Discounts – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Discounts, Shipping is a free WooCommerce bulk discount plugin that you can use it to create bulk discounts. Also, this plugin has a pro version that has a great set of features and you can find it here. This plugin is a popular bulk discount plugin that also has great features to create WooCommerce discounts like percentage discount, dynamic pricing, bulk discounts, advanced WooCommerce discounts, WooCommerce cart discounts, advanced WooCommerce shipping, and these features are available in the free version of the plugin and the pro version has more powerful features.

Video Tutorial

Installing WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugin

Time needed: 10 minutes

Installing the Easy WooCommerce Discounts – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Discounts, Shipping plugin is as easy as installing other WordPress plugins and can be done in a few steps.

  1. Login to your WordPress site admin area.

  2. Go to the plugins page in the admin.

  3. Click on the Add New button to add a new plugin

  4. Search for “Easy WooCommerce Discounts” in the search box as like the below screenshot.

  5. Click on the Install Now button and then activate the plugin.

Create a WooCommerce Storewide Bulk Discount

With the WooCommerce discount manager plugin that you installed in the previous section, you can create a WooCommerce storewide bulk discount that can apply the bulk discount on all of the products in your store.

WooCommerce Storewide Bulk Discount Example:

  • Buy quantities between 2-10 to get a 10% discount on the product.
  • Buy quantities between 11-20 to get a 20% discount on the product.
  • Buy 21 quantities or more to get a 30% discount on the product.

Please follow the below steps to create a WooCommerce storewide bulk discount.

Step 1: Create a Bulk Pricing Rule for WooCommerce

  1. First, navigate to Woo Pricing & Discounts Menu.
  2. Then open the Pricing tab.
  3. Click on the Add New button to create a new WooCommerce pricing rule.
WooCommerce Pricing Rule

Step 2: Create a WooCommerce Storewide Bulk Discount Rule

As like the below image follow steps.

  1. Choose a name for your rule we set it to “WooCommerce Storewide Bulk Discount Rule” in our example.
  2. Select the type of the WooCommerce price deal rule which is “Bulk” in our example.
  3. Here we Set “Quantity based on” to “Cart Line Item” in the rule to calculate quantity for each cart line item separately but in the free version of the plugin you can set “Quantity based on” to “Single Product” and the quantity will calculate separately for each product.
  4. Specify discounts for tiers like the below image.
  5. Set “All Products” to the “Discounted Products” to make the rule a WooCommerce sitewide bulk discount rule.
  6. Click on the save button to save the rule.
How to create a WooCommerce Bulk Discounts
WooCommerce Storewide Bulk Discount Rule

Step 3: Checking the WooCommerce Sitewide Bulk Discount Rule on the product page

If you check one of the products page in your store you will see below items.

  1. A WooCommerce Quantity Discount Table that shows tiers discounts.
  2. A live price that will show discounted prices based on selected quantities.
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule

Step 4: Checking the WooCommerce Sitewide Bulk Discount Rule on the cart

If you add a tier that has a discount to the cart you can see the applied discount on it like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule On Cart
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule On Cart

Create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Product (Simple and Variable Products)

In this example we are going to set a WooCommerce Bulk Discount rule for a product with WooCommerce Bulk Discount free plugin.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Product Example:

  • Buy 3 quantities of the product and get a 5% discount.
  • Buy 4 quantities of the product and get a 10% discount.
  • Buy 5 quantities of the product and get a 15% discount.
  • Buy 6 or more quantities of the product and get a 20% discount.

Step 1: Create a WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For A Product

As like the below image follow steps to create a bulk discounts for your store with WooCommerce bulk discount free plugin.

  1. Choose a name for your rule we set it to “WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For Product” in our example.
  2. Select the type of the WooCommerce price deal rule which is “Bulk” in our example.
  3. Set “Quantity based on” to “Single Product” in the rule.
  4. Specify discounts for tiers quantities like the below image.
  5. Select “Product in list” to the “Discounted Products” and then choose a product or products. You can choose one or more products.
  6. Click on the save button to save the rule.
How to create a WooCommerce Bulk Discounts
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Product

Step 2: Checking WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule On Product Page

If you check the product page that you used it in your rule you will see a WooCommerce Quantity Discount Table like the below image that added to the product page with WooCommerce Bulk Discount free plugin.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount For A Product
WooCommerce Bulk Discount For A Product

Step 3: Checking WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule On Cart Page

If you add a quantity that has a discount in your example you will see applied discount to it with WooCommerce bulk discount free plugin on the cart page like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Product
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Product

Create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For Variation Product (Variable Product Variations)

In this example we are going to set a WooCommerce Bulk Discount rule for a variation product.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Variation Product Example:

  • Buy 2 quantities and get a 2$ discount.
  • Buy 3 quantities and get a 3$ discount.
  • Buy 4 quantities and get a 4$ discount.
  • Buy 5 quantities or more and get a 5$ discount.

Step 1: Create a WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For A Variation

As like the below image follow steps.

  1. Choose a name for your rule we set it to “WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For Category” in our example.
  2. Select the type of the WooCommerce price deal rule which is “Bulk” in our example.
  3. Set “Quantity based on” to “Single Product Variation” to calculate the quantity separately for each product variation.
  4. Specify discounts for tiers quantities like the below image.
  5. Select “Price Discount” to the “Discount Type” for the quantities discount.
  6. Select “Product variationsin list” to the “Discounted Products” and then choose a variation or variations. You can choose one or more variations.
  7. Click on the save button to save the rule.
How to create WooCommerce Bulk Discounts
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Variation Product

Step 2: Checking WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule On Product Page

Open the product page and select the variation that you applied the discount on it, you will see a WooCommerce quantity discount table like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Variation Product
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Variation Product

Step 3: Checking WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For A Variation On Cart Page

Add a quantity of the variation that has a discount to the cart to check it on cart. The discount should be applied on the variation like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Variation Product
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Variation Product

Create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For Category(ies)

In this example we are going to set a WooCommerce Bulk Discount rule for category(ies).

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Category Example:

  • Buy 2-5 quantities to get a 5$ discount.
  • buy 6-10 quantities to get a 10$ discount.
  • buy 11 or more quantities to get a 15$ discount.

Step 1: Create a WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For A Category

As like the below image follow steps.

  1. Choose a name for your rule we set it to “WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For Category” in our example.
  2. Select the type of the WooCommerce price deal rule which is “Bulk” in our example.
  3. Here we Set “Quantity based on” to “Cart Line Item” in the rule to calculate quantity for each cart line item separately but in the free version of the plugin you can set “Quantity based on” to “Single Product” and the quantity will calculate separately for each product.
  4. Specify discounts for tiers quantities like the below image.
  5. Select “Price Discount” to the “Discount Type” for the quantities discount.
  6. Select “Categories in list” to the “Discounted Products” and then choose a category or categories. You can choose one or more categories.
  7. Click on the save button to save the rule.
How to create a WooCommerce Bulk Discounts
WooCommerce Bulk Discount For A Category

Step 2: Checking WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule On Product Page

Open one of the products page inside the category and check the WooCommerce Quantity Discount Table like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount For A Category
WooCommerce Bulk Discount For A Category

Step 3: Checking WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For A Category On Cart Page

If you add a quantity that has a discount in your example you will see applied discount to it on the cart page like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Category
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Category

Create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for a User Role

In this example we are going to create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount rule for a Wholesale user role.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A User Role Example:

  • Buy 2-10 and get 10% discount.
  • Buy 11-20 and get 20% discount.
  • Buy 21-30 and get 30% discount.
  • Buy 31 or more and get 40% discount.

Step 1: Create a WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For A Specific User Role

As like the below image follow steps.

  1. Choose a name for your rule we set it to “WooCommerce Bulk Pricing Rule For User Role” in our example.
  2. Select the type of the WooCommerce price deal rule which is “Bulk” in our example.
  3. Here we Set “Quantity based on” to “Cart Line Item” in the rule to calculate quantity for each cart line item separately but in the free version of the plugin you can set “Quantity based on” to “Single Product” and the quantity will calculate separately for each product.
  4. Specify discounts for tiers quantities like the below image.
  5. Select “Discounted Products” in the example we added a discount to “All Products”. You can select specific products too.
  6. Add a new condition to the rule by clicking the “Add” button under the conditions section.
  7. Select “Role” for the condition type.
  8. Select roles that you would like to give a discount to them. In this example, we choose the “WholeSale” role to give a discount to it.
  9. Click on the save button to save the rule.
How to create WooCommerce Bulk Discounts
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for a User Role

Step 2: Login with a user that has the selected role

Login with a user that has one of selected roles in the rule that you created in the previous step.

Step 3: Check WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for Wholesale User Role On Product Page

Go to the product page that you applied the WooCommerce bulk discount rule for wholesale user role on it. After opening the product page you will see the WooCommerce quantity discount table in it that added to the page with the WooCommerce bulk discount codes plugin.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for Wholesale User Role
WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for Wholesale User Role

Step 4: Check WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for Wholesale User Role on Cart

If you add a quantity that has a discount to the cart you will see the applied discount to the product with the WooCommerce bulk discount codes plugin on cart like the below image.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule for Wholesale User Role

Add Sale Badges

If you want to create eye-catching sale badges for your pricing rules, read these articles :

WooCommerce Bulk Discounts Conclusion

In this article we learned about how to create WooCommerce Bulk Discount codes with Easy WooCommerce Discounts – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Discounts, Shipping plugin, this plugin has advanced features for the WooCommerce Bulk Discount codes but because we need to make the article short and readable we introduced some features of it and you can check them yourself. You can find some WooCommerce bulk discount codes video tutorials for the plugin here.

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8 Best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins in 2021

Best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins

With the best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins introduced in this article, you can boost your store sales. WooCommerce bulk discounts are the best way to encourage your store clients to buy large quantities of an item from your store and increase your sales. When you offer discounts on large quantities it encourages users to purchase large volumes of the item to get more discount. WooCommerce discount manager plugins listed in this article are the best in the market plugins to create WooCommerce quantity based discounts and manage WooCommerce Discount Rules. This article contains both WooCommerce bulk discount free and pro versions.

Best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins

In this article, we searched through the best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins and listed them here to help you extend WooCommerce discounts and increase your sales. You can add a quantity discount table to the product page and offer your discounts to your customers.

1. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin

Best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin enables you to run from simple to complex promotions included WooCommerce Bulk Discounts, WooCommerce Tiered Discounts, WooCommerce quantity discounts, sitewide discounts, dynamic pricing deals, bulk discounts, WooCommerce discount rules, first order discount, Buy One Get One Free pricing deals, percentage discount, price discount, flash sale promotion, discount per product, apply discount to all products, user role based discounts, WooCommerce category discount, order total discount, purchase history discount, tiered pricing discounts, cart total based discount, free shipping, and more WooCommerce discount types.

One of the useful features of this plugin that can help more is these plugin promotions. It will show a message for WooCommerce BOGO deals on the product page, quantity discount table on the product page, a live discounted price value, WooCommerce countdown timer, and more.

Additional features are:

  • Dependent product discount (Buy Product A and get discount on Product B)
  • Create advanced WooCommerce Discount Rules.
  • Create conditional discounts for Woocommerce.
  • Buy One Get One Free offer with support for both Buy X Get X and also Buy X and Get Y
  • Attributes based discount
  • Cart total/line items based discounts
  • Group products and add a discount to them
  • Quantity based discounts
  • Conditional checkout fee
  • Dynamic pricing and discounts
  • Advanced shipping methods that work dynamically.
  • Discounts based on the purchase history of the customers (If customer purchased Shoes earlier, give him 10% discount on a purchase of Caps)
  • You can even apply multiple discount rules in a purchase (Get 5% for orders above $500 and 10 % for buying more than 6 items)
  • Option to exclude products on SALE and selected products from discount rules
  • Great for offering dynamic pricing and discounts based on quantity ranges

Download Easy WooCommerce Discounts Pro

2. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Free Plugin or WooCommerce Quantity Discounts

Best WooCommmerce Bulk Discount Free Plugin

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Free Plugin is the free version of the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin which offers limited set of features of the pro version. Use Easy WooCommerce Discounts to create bulk discounts, cart discounts, percentage discounts, advanced discounts, dynamic pricing, product quantity based discounts, dynamic shipping methods and advanced shipping methods for WooCommerce. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts – Easy WooCommerce Discounts plugin offers well-defined solutions to help you set the best discount offers on your WooCommerce store. It’s easy and works out of the box for beginners, and has advanced features for professional users.

3. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

woocommerce dynamic pricing

With the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin, you can configure bulk discounts for each product in your store by creating a table of quantities and discount amounts. Choose from fixed price adjustments, percentage adjustments, or set a fixed price for the product. Optionally choose roles the pricing rule should be applied for.

4. Woocommerce Bulk Discount or WooCommerce Quantity Discounts

woocommerce bulk discount free

WooCommerce Bulk Discount makes it possible to apply fine-grained bulk discounts to items in the shopping cart, depending on the ordered quantity and on the specific product.

Additional features are:

  • Possibility to set the discount individually per product.
  • Possibility to set the discount globally for all products.
  • The discount is visible on the Checkout page.

5. Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce

Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce is a great WooCommerce Discount Manager plugin that you can use it in your store. This WooCommerce free bulk discount plugin offers discounts like WooCommerce bulk discounts, Quantity based discounts, Wholesale pricing, Role based discounts, Discounts based on products categories, member discounts, group discounts, Discounts based on previous orders by the customer and etc. Conditional discounts for WooCommerce is one of the great free tools that you can use to manage your store discounts.

6. Pricing Deals for WooCommerce

Pricing Deals for WooCommerce is a great free WooCommerce discount manager plugin to offer discount pricing and marketing deals on your Woocommerce website. Create a rule tailored to the deal you want. Pricing Deals for Woocommerce is a powerful discounting tool that helps you create both Dynamic Cart Pricing discounts and Catalog Price (wholesale) discounts.

7. Bulk Pricing for WooCommerce

Bulk Pricing for WooCommerce will enable you to set up bulk pricing rules for single products or whole categories with just a few clicks. Create an unlimited number of discount rule sets and choose from those predefined rule sets when you edit a product. Or define individual pricing rules directly on the edit product page – or use the built-in hierarchical categories page where you can assign rule sets for all your product categories on one page.

8. YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

With YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Increase conversions through dynamic discounts and price rules and build powerful and targeted offers.

How you can benefit from it:

  • You will be able to create targeted offers based on the quantity purchased or on products added to cart, etc.
  • You will be able to increase the average of order value through discounts and offers on the quantity.
  • You will be able to enable offers only for certain users or on specific conditions (for a given number of products in the cart, after a specific number of orders placed by the user, etc.)

Best WooCommerce Bulk Discount Plugins Conclusion

We introduced most popular WooCommerce bulk discount plugins in this article that can help store owners to make their store more professional and hope you try them and let us know your experience of using them.

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6 Best WooCommerce Discount Plugins in 2021

In this tutorial, we are going to introduce the best WooCommerce discount plugins or WooCommerce discount code plugins that will improve WooCommerce coupons feature. Discounts are a powerful tool to bring more customers to your site easily and can increase conversions in your WooCommerce shop. With discounts, you can get more customers that will spend more on your site. Some of the sale promotions that you can create with discount plugins for WooCommerce introduced in this article are WooCommerce quantity discounts, sitewide discounts, dynamic pricing deals, bulk discounts, WooCommerce discount rules, first order discount, Buy One Get One Free pricing deals, percentage discount, price discount, flash sale promotion, discount per product, apply discount to all products, user role based discounts, WooCommerce category discount, free shipping, and more WooCommerce discount types that are available in these plugins.

Best WooCommerce Discount Plugins

Advanced WooCommerce discount plugins that are introduced in this article will make your work easy and make your online WooCommerce shop looks more professional because some of these plugins can apply discounts automatically and smartly based on discount rules that you created in the plugin.

1. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin

Best WooCommerce Discount Plugins - WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin enables you to run from simple to complex promotions introduced in this article easily for example WooCommerce quantity discounts, sitewide discounts, dynamic pricing deals, bulk discounts, WooCommerce discount rules, first order discount, Buy One Get One Free pricing deals, percentage discount, price discount, flash sale promotion, discount per product, apply discount to all products, user role based discounts, WooCommerce category discount, order total discount, purchase history discount, tiered pricing discounts, cart total based discount, free shipping, and more WooCommerce discount types.

One of the useful features of this plugin that can help more is these plugin promotions. It will show a message for WooCommerce BOGO deals on the product page, quantity discount table on the product page, a live discounted price value, WooCommerce countdown timer, and more.

Additional features are:

  • Dependent product discount (Buy Product A and get discount on Product B)
  • Buy One Get One Free offer with support for both Buy X Get X and also Buy X and Get Y
  • Attributes based discount
  • Cart total/line items based discounts
  • Group products and add a discount to them
  • Quantity based discounts
  • Conditional checkout fee
  • Dynamic pricing and discounts
  • Advanced shipping methods that work dynamically.
  • Discounts based on the purchase history of the customers (If customer purchased Shoes earlier, give him 10% discount on a purchase of Caps)
  • You can even apply multiple discount rules in a purchase (Get 5% for orders above $500 and 10 % for buying more than 6 items)
  • Option to exclude products on SALE and selected products from discount rules
  • Great for offering dynamic pricing and discounts based on quantity ranges

Download Easy WooCommerce Discounts Pro

2. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Free Plugin or WooCommerce Quantity Discounts

best woocommerce discount plugin - WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Free Plugin

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Free Plugin is the free version of the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin which offers limited set of features of the pro version. Use Easy WooCommerce Discounts to create bulk discounts, cart discounts, percentage discounts, advanced discounts, dynamic pricing, product quantity based discounts, dynamic shipping methods and advanced shipping methods for WooCommerce. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts – Easy WooCommerce Discounts plugin offers well-defined solutions to help you set the best discount offers on your WooCommerce store. It’s easy and works out of the box for beginners, and has advanced features for professional users.

3. WooCommerce Smart Coupons

woocommerce smart coupons plugin

WooCommerce Smart Coupons code plugin is a WooCommerce Discount Code plugin like WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin. This plugin has everything you need to grow sales and customers using discounts, coupons, credits, vouchers, product giveaways, offers, and promotions.

Additional features are:

  • Fixed Amount & Percentage Coupons
  • Free Shipping
  • Custom Coupon Message

4. YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards

woocommerce gift cards plugin

YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards helps you to sell gift cards in your shop to increase your earnings and attract new customers.

How you can benefit from it:

  • You will increase your conversions during the holidays allowing your customers to give gifts to friends and relatives without stressing out to search for specific products (everyone loves gift cards and for this reason, 98% of the stores sells them for a turnover of 100 trillion dollars per year!).
  • You will promote your e-commerce to those receiving the gift card getting and loyalizing new customers over time.

5. WP Coupons and Deals

wordpress coupons and deals plugin

WP Coupons and Deals is a WooCommerce Discount Code plugin that can add discounts and coupons on WordPress posts or pages. This plugin is specially designed for affiliate marketers that can help to create affiliate coupons and promoting affiliate deals.

6. Woocommerce Bulk Discount or WooCommerce Quantity Discounts

best woocommerce discount plugin - woocommerce bulk discount

WooCommerce Bulk Discount makes it possible to apply fine-grained bulk discounts to items in the shopping cart, depending on the ordered quantity and on the specific product.

Additional features are:

  • Possibility to set the discount individually per product.
  • Possibility to set the discount globally for all products.
  • The discount is visible on the Checkout page.

WooCommerce Discount Plugins Conclusion

We introduced the most popular WooCommerce discount plugins in this article that can help store owners to make their store more professional and hope you try them and let us know your experience of using them.

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How To Create WooCommerce Discount Rules – Free Plugin

In this article, I would like to introduce a free WooCommerce discount rules plugin that can add advanced features for the WooCommerce standard coupons. As you already know WooCommerce has its own standard coupons features that have some restrictions, for example, you can not create more advanced WooCommmerce discount rules that apply a discount with conditions and automatically so I decided to write this article to show you our WooCommerce Discount Rules Plugin that will give you more controls on WooCommmerce Basic Coupons.

By using the WooCommerce Discount Rules plugin you can create advanced dynamic coupons that will apply to the cart dynamically and smartly. For example, you can add a discount to the cart when cart subtotal targets a specific value, or you can check the number of cart items and then apply a discount to the cart, also you can add multiple conditions to your rules and when all or one on of those conditions match then the WooCommerce discount rules plugin will apply the discount automatically to the cart without any interaction from the user side.

How WooCommerce Discount Rules Plugin Can Improve Your Site?

As you know there are many online stores available in the market and one of the best things to attract more customers to your site is to give discounts to them and here our plugin helps you more to manage discounts in one place easily and professionally.

How to Create WooCommerce Discount Rules?

In this section of the article, we are going to use the discount rules for WooCommerce free plugin features but if you need more advanced features like first order discount, customer history-based discounts, discount based on user role, specific customers discounts, shipping address discounts, and more advanced rules you can check out our WooCommerce Discounts Pro plugin.

Step 1: Creating a cart discount rule

  • First, navigate to Woo Pricing & Discounts Menu.
  • Then open the Discounts tab.
  • Click on the Add New button to create a new discount rule.

Step 2: Create a discount rule

As like the below image follow steps.

  1. Set a name to your discount rule, it will appear as a discount name to the customer. We set it to “Discount” in our example.
  2. Make sure that the Status is set to Enabled.
  3. Set discount type. In the free version of the plugin, there is only a “Percentage discount” available but the pro version supports “Price Discount”, “Price Discount per Item” and “Percentage Discount per Item”.
  4. Set an amount for the discount. We set it to “20” in our example so the discount will be “20%”.
  5. You can add Date/Time conditions for your rule so the discount will apply in a time that you set. For example, you can add the Black Friday date so the discount will apply on Black Friday.
  6. You can add conditions to the rule and when conditions match the discount will apply. There are “Number of cart items” and “Cart subtotal including tax” available in the free version of the plugin but the pro version of the plugin offers more advanced conditions.
WooCommerce discount rule

Some examples of Date/Times conditions are as follows.

  • Date/Time period.
WooCommerce discount rule date/time condition
  • Specific Dates condition.
WooCommerce discount rule specific dates condition
  • Days of a week
WooCommerce discount rule days condition

Example of conditions that available in the free version of the plugin and you can add them to your rule.

  • Cart subtotal condition.
WooCommerce discount rule cart subtotal condition
  • Number of cart items condition.

After, you created the rule and added your desired date/time and conditions to it you can click on the save button and use it.

WooCommerce Discount Rules Pro

As you can see in this article you could automate your store discounts that will applies smartly based on the conditions that you created in the discount rules for WooCommerce but the WooCommerce Discount Rules Pro version offers more advanced conditions and rules like the below one.

  • Create and manage WooCommerce dynamic discounts that will applies automatically to the cart.
  • More and powerful conditions system available that you can combine them to create more advanced pricing and discount rules.
  • Applying a discount to specific products or categories.
  • Create bulk or tiered pricing rules.
  • Creating BOGO discount rules.
  • Automatically adding free products to the cart in the BOGO rules.
  • Creating advanced and dynamic shipping methods.
  • Creating advanced and dynamic checkout fees.
  • And lots of more features and you can check out it here.

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WooCommerce Free Shipping Based On Cart Subtotal

How to create a free shipping method when the subtotal reaches a certain amount?

In this tutorial, we are going to create WooCommerce free shipping based on cart subtotal using Easy WooCommerce Discounts Pro – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Shipping plugin.

Our Advanced WooCommerce Shipping plugin has advanced rules to create dynamic shipping methods in WooCommerce in a easy way and in this tutorial we are going to create a free shipping method when cart subtotal becomes at least 50$

Making a free shipping method when cart subtotal reaches certain amount

Step 1: Create a shipping method rule

  • First, navigate to Woo Pricing & Discounts Menu
  • Then open the Shipping Methods tab
  • Click on the Add New button to create a new Shipping Method.

Step 2: Add a base shipping method when cart subtotal is less than our certain amount

In this step we will create a base shipping method that will be added when the cart subtotal is less than our desired certain amount that is 50$ in this tutorial. You can skip this step if you don’t like to create a base shipping method for less amounts.

  • As like the below image you can set a name for your base shipping method which is “Base Shipping” in our example
  • Set Apply Mode of the rule to “Apply with other applicable rules” to apply this rule with other applicable shipping rules created in the plugin.
  • Set a cost for your base shipping rule. We set it to 10 in our example.
  • Click on the save button to save the rule.

Step 3: Create a free shipping method rule to apply when cart subtotal reaches certain amount.

  • Go to the Shipping Methods tab as you did in Step 1.
  • Click on the add new rule to create a new shipping method rule in the plugin.
  • As the below image you can set a name for your free shipping method which is “Free Shipping” in our example.
  • Set Apply Mode of the rule to “Apply with other applicable rules” to apply this rule with other applicable shipping rules created in the plugin. Also, you can set the Apply Mode to “Apply this rule and disregard other rules” to apply only this rule when there is more than one applicable rule.
  • Set its cost to 0 to make it a free shipping method.
  • Add a subtotal condition to the rule like the below image, you can use “Subtotal Including Tax” or “Subtotal Excluding Tax” condition.
  • Click on the save button to save the rule.

Now if you navigate to the “Shipping Methods” tab you can see two shipping rules as like the below attached image.

Step 4: Hide shipping rules when a free shipping rule available

  • Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts plugin Settings Menu.
  • Go to the General tabShipping section.
  • Set “Hide On Free Shipping” option to “Yes” and save the settings.

Video tutorial of how WooCommerce Free Shipping Based On Cart Subtotal

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Plugin

With our WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Plugin, you can create multiple advanced shipping methods with a combination of advanced conditions available in the plugin and as you saw we created a free shipping method and a base shipping method that works together in our website.

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WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping Method

How to create a weight-based shipping method in WooCommerce?

In this video tutorial, we are going to create weight-based shipping in WooCommerce using Easy WooCommerce Discounts Pro – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Shipping plugin.

Add 10$ shipping method when weight is greater or equal to 10, the product weight is 5

You can find the WooCommerce weight-based shipping method rule at the attached image.

WooCommerce weight-based shipping method rule