Simple Social Media Stream Joomla Extension

Joomla Social Stream displays Facebook feed, Twitter feed, Instagram feed, Youtube feed, Pinterest feed, Flickr feed, Vimeo feed, SoundCloud feed, VK feed, TikTok feed, RSS feed on your site.
Simple Social Media Stream extension is the best choice for those who are looking for an easy way to share their social networking updates on their Joomla-ready website.
Joomla Social Stream gives you a combined social media stream for all of your social network updates and can display them in 3 different layouts: Wall, Timeline, Carousel. It supports 9 and growing social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, RSS, SoundCloud, VK and includes about 21 feeds options.
Your visitors will be able to share your posts on Facebook, and Twitter from your website. They will also have the option to reply, retweet, or favorite the Twitter posts on your stream. They can even filter your social stream by a social network.
You can also change the style of your stream using the theme manager and/or custom CSS stylesheets, and make it unique to your website.
4 different display layouts:
Wall, Grid, Timeline, Carousel Feed
Slideshow Presentation View
Feature to display social items in full lightbox slideshow for presenting and wide screens.
Joomla Social Stream Main Usages:
- To broadcast all your social network news, photos, videos and updates from multiple social network accounts as a single stream to your visitors.
- To create a single social stream for multiple social network accounts with multiple profiles.
- To create a multi-network photo or video gallery on your website.
- To create a news stream from multiple RSS feeds on your website.
- To broadcast all social network news related to a specific search term or hashtag from multiple social media channels on your website.
Supports 11 and growing social networks:
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, RSS, Flickr, VK, SoundCloud
2 ways to add to your website:
- Add Social Stream on a page
- Add Social Stream as a Module
Fully Responsive:
The extension is fully responsive which enables you to be used on mobile-friendly websites.
Slideshow Presentation View:
Feature to display social items in full lightbox slideshow for presenting and wide screens.
More than 30 feed options:
- Facebook page wall public posts.
- Facebook album public photos.
- Facebook page public photos.
- Facebook page public videos.
- Twitter user’s latest Tweets.
- Twitter list Tweets.
- Twitter search Tweets with hashtags.
- Pinterest latest user public Pins.
- Pinterest latest public Pins from a specific board.
- Instagram user posts including photos and videos.
- Instagram search posts by tags.
- Instagram latest posts by location ID.
- Instagram search by geographical location.
- YouTube user latest uploads.
- YouTube public playlist uploads.
- YouTube search by term.
- Vimeo user public (a. videos, b. likes, c. appeared in, d. all videos, e. subscriptions, f. albums, g. channels & h. groups) feeds.
- RSS feed URL latest entries.
Joomla Social Stream More Features:
- Extension licensing and one year of automatic updates.
- Images lazy load feature.
- Load more items button for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Vimeo.
- Option to get specific sets of posts for Facebook page feed. Posts published by this page, or by others, or by both on this page.
- Ability to get posts in a certain DateTime on Facebook.
- Ability to get tweets generated on a given date on Twitter.
- Filtering the stream items using a search phrase.
- Ability to order the filter network icons.
- Option to order the stream results by date of item or randomly.
- Limiting the maximum number of results to display on the stream.
- Limiting the title, description & comments’ words count to display for each item on the stream.
- Caching of social feeds with defining of cache time to reduce up download time.
- Read more link for long block of texts.
- Ability to open links in new window or parent window
- Option to change the status of links to follow or nofollow.
- Opening images & videos in lightbox window.
- Video icon overlay on stream video items.
- Ability to enable/disable animation and defining the rotate delay & filter direction for Wall.
- Option to adjust the spacing between the columns in the wall.
- Option that, let blocks to adjust and re-size to fill the gap in wall.
- Option to display timeline in one column or based on browser screen width.
- Share posts on Facebook, Twitter from your website.
- Fully documented + all examples.
- Fully extension inline descriptions.
- 5 built-in templates.
- Theme manager.
- Custom layout & CSS stylesheets.
- Allowing to select from different themes.
- Customization of stream body background color, border color, border size, background image & font color for all display modes.
- Customization of stream item background color, border color & border size for all display modes.
- Select the font size for the stream.
- Display your social stream module in different positions on your website.
- Including photo comments for Facebook.
- Displaying number of likes & comments for Instagram.
- Displaying the post type icons.
- Allowing to set the feed block width/height.
- Allowing to set the image width/height for images & thumbnails.
- Allowing to select the width/height for videos.
- Option to define the number of comments to display for Facebook photos & Instagram feed items.
- Option to define, how to display the image for each item (Boxed or Expanded).
- Option to allow loading images over https.
- Processing multiple IDs per network.
- Processing multiple feeds per network.
- Ability to select the content blocks to be included in each item in stream output.
- Adding unlimited social streams on your website.
- Ability to add multiple social streams in a page on your website.
- The ability to define the number of items displaying in each slide for different screen widths on Carousel layout.
- Supporting for multi-byte character set languages.
- Feature to display social stream items as lightbox slideshow.
- Auto-resize responsive lightbox window.
- Online debug log.
- Ability to translate to any language.
Wall Demos:
- Wall Modern layout
- Modern layout – Dark skin
- Wall Flat layout
- Wall Default layout – Random order
- Wall Modern classic
- Fixed Height Wall Demo
- Wall – Infinite Scroll
- Video Stream Demo
- Social Tag Board
- Wall RSS Aggregator
Wall Metro Demo:
Wall Modern2 Demo:
Grid Demos:
- Grid layout in one/twofold columns style with Brick theme and dark skin
- Grid layout in solo column style with Brick theme and dark skin
- Grid layout in solo column style with Brick theme and light skin
Carousel Feed Demo:
- Carousel layout with 2 rows in Hero theme and dark skin
- Carousel Feed Demo 1 – Modern 2 layout
- Carousel Feed Demo 2 – Modern layout
Timeline Demos:
Wall Slide Show Demo:
Wall Photo Stream Demo:
- How to create a Facebook feed in Joomla – Joomla Facebook Feed
- How to create an Instagram feed in Joomla – Joomla Instagram Feed
- How to create a Twitter feed in Joomla – Joomla Twitter Feed
- How to create a Youtube feed in Joomla – Joomla Youtube Feed
- How to create a Pinterest feed in Joomla – Joomla Pinterest Feed
Social APIs Restrictions
There are some restrictions from social network APIs that are making some limitations for us on top of building this extension that is listed here.
- You cannot get the feed from a Facebook group. Only page, album, photos, videos, and personal feeds are supported.
- On Facebook if you want to get a feed from a personal account (instead of a page or album), you need to create your own Facebook app and connect that account to the plugin using your own Facebook app.
- Twitter account should not be set as Protect my Tweets.
- Twitter search API can only grab the items that are posted in the last 7 – 9 days.
- Twitter search API does not provide more that 140 characters of each Tweet in the feed.
- Twitter API can only grab the items that are posted in the last 7 – 9 days.
- Twitter API does not provide the image data for re-tweets.
- Instagram account should not be set as Private Account!
- Getting feed from other Instagram accounts which you have not listed under your connected account(s) may not be possible if your website server IP is getting banned by Instagram.
- Pinterest re-shared items will not include the original shared item.
- The extension requires PHP version 7.2.5 or higher.
- The extension requires the Joomla version 3.0.0 or higher.
- This extension requires both PHP’s multibyte string extension AND iconv extension (enabled by default on most servers).
- PHP’s XML extension is required (enabled by default on most servers).
- PHP’s cURL extension is recommended (required for Facebook & Twitter feeds).
Package Includes:
- Simple Social Media Stream 2.0.1 extension package.
- Full documentation files in HTML format.
If you have any questions or suggestions concerning to Simple Social Media Stream extension, please contact us via our support desk