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WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

WooCommerce mix and match free plugin

A WooCommerce mix and match product is a product where customers can build their personalized boxes from individual products on your site. In this article, we will introduce a WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin that can help you create simple to advanced product bundles.

If your products can be mixed together to create an awesome bundle then you can create one using WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin.

What is WooCommerce Mix and Match Product?

A mix-and-match product allows customers to create personalized boxes. They can select products and quantities from multiple available products and mix them together to build their own one.

Create WooCommerce Mix and Match Product

To create a WooCmmerce mix and match product, you can use the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce free plugin. It is the best mix-and-match plugin for WooCommerce to create simple to advanced mix-and-match scenarios.

WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

Unfortunately, it is not possible to create a mix-and-match product with WooCommerce core. The good news is that Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce is the best WooCommerce mix-and-match free plugin that allows creating mix and match products easily.

Some of the WooCommerce mix and match plugin features:

  • Offer a discount on each bundle item.
  • Fixed price mix and match product: It is no matter which product is selected by the user, the whole bundle is available with a fixed price
  • Auto calculate mix and match product: The plugin can calculate mix-and-match product price based on selected products and quantities by the customer
  • Optional items: You can make some of the items optional and the customer does not have to select a product for them
  • Beautiful and multiple Grid and List themes that are available in (small, medium, and large) sizes
  • Force shoppers to follow a specific formula (like choosing one product from Category A, another product from Category B, etc.)
  • Offer specific products, categories or tags for the bundle items
  • Set minimum and maximum allowed quantity for each bundle item
  • Control how the shipping fee should be calculated. “apply to the whole bundle”, “apply to the bundle items”

Video Tutorial

Install WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

To install Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles, follow the below steps.

  • Navigate to the Plugins >> Add New menu on your WordPress website
  • Search for “Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce
  • Find the “Bundles – WooCommerce Product Bundles” by “Asana Plugins
  • Install the plugin and activate it.

Examples of WooCommerce Mix and Match Products

Mix and match products work by allowing customers to select individual products they’d like to purchase and add them to a gift hamper, product box, or bundle.

Some of the popular examples of WooCommerce mix and match products are:

  • Bundle Discounts
  • BOGO deals
  • Gift products
  • Customizable products or Product boxes

Bundle Discounts

To increase the average order value, you can mix and match products and offer them in a bundle with a discount.

For example, if you sell mobiles, you can offer a case and a glass cover for the mobile.

Gift Products

You can build loyal customers for your store by giving gift products to them.

You can give a gift product when a customer purchases a specific product. Or with Mix and Match products for WooCommerce, you can offer your customer to choose his own gift from multiple available gift products.

Product Boxes

You can allow your customers to build their own boxes with Mix and Match products for WooCommerce.

Customizable foods like sandwiches, pizzas, and salads can be offered as product boxes. Customers can configure products and build their own delicious foods by picking food items.

How to Create WooCommerce Mix and Match Products

In this how to create mix and match products in WooCommerce we will give you some real examples to create mix and match products in WooCommerce.

In this tutorial, we will create the below examples:

  • Mobile bundle
  • Mobile bundle with optional items
  • Offer a gift product (BOGO deal)
  • Offer multiple gift products
  • Men’s clothes as configurable or personalized product

Create Mobile Bundle Discount in WooCommerce

If you have a mobile store then you can increase average order value by creating and offering a mobile bundle discount in WooCommerce.

Follow the below steps to create a bundle discount in WooCommerce.

1. Create Regular Products

First, you should create regular products in WooCommerce for mobile, mobile cases, and mobile glass covers.

To create a simple product in WooCommerce read this article in addition you can read create variable products in WooCommerce to create a variable product.

2. Create a Product Bundle in WooCommerce

Now you should create a product bundle that bundles mobile, case, and glass covers with a discount or without.

Navigate to WooCommerce Products >> Add New to create a new product.

Set a name for the bundle product, for instance, “Mobile Bundle”.

Click on “Add Media” and select an image for your product bundle.

Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

3. Add Bundle Items

After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item to the product bundle.

add item to woocommerce mix and match plugin

Then select the “Use default-product” to add the mobile as the default product for the bundle item.

Now in the “Default Product” field search for the mobile and select it.

Then click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item for the mobile cases.

Configurate items of WooCommerce product bundles plugin

Now in the “Products” field search for mobile cases and select them. You can add multiple products in the “Products” field.

Click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item for the mobile glass covers.

After in the “Products” field search for the mobile glass covers and select them. You can include multiple glass covers therefore customer has multiple choices.

Add Bundle item to WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

4. Set a price for the Bundle Product

The Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles free plugin offers two pricing strategies.

  • A fixed price for the whole bundle product
  • Auto calculate the price based on selected products

Fixed Price

If you would like to set a fixed price for the whole bundle product, then check the “Fixed Price” option.

Set fixed price for product bundle in woocommerce
Fixed price product bundle in WooCommerce

Navigate to the “General” tab and set a regular price for the Product. You can set a Sale price too.

After setting a price, update the product.

Set Fixed Price

A fixed price product bundle example in WooCommerce cart.

Applied fixed price in cart

Auto Calculate Price

Auto calculates price helps to set a dynamic price for the product bundle based on selected items for the bundle.

To use the auto-calculate price feature, uncheck the “Fixed Price” option and update the product.

Auto Calculate Price of product bundle plugin

As you can see in the below image, the bundle price is the total of the selected products’ prices.

Auto Calculate Price in cart

5. Final Result for Mix and Match Product in WooCommerce

Now you can “Publish” the product bundle on your website.

Final Result for Mix and Match Product in WooCommerce

Optional Items in WooCommerce Product Bundles

You can make product bundle items optional then the customer does not have to select a product for that bundle item.

To make an item optional, open it and check the “optional” field. The optional is available in the pro version of the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce.

Optional product bundle items

After making an item optional, a close button will appear on top of the bundle item and the customer can delete that item from the bundle.

Optional Items in WooCommerce Product Bundles

Offer BOGO Deals in WooCommerce

BOGO deals are one of the best strategies to make money and build customer loyalty.

In this article, we will use the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce to create BOGO deals. If you would like to create advanced BOGO deals you can check out Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce or Auto Add Products to Cart for WooCommerce plugins.

1. Create a Product Bundle

To create a BOGO deal in WooCommerce, navigate to WooCommerce Products >> Add New to create a new product.

Set a name for the bundle product, for example, “T-shirt BOGO”.

Click on “Add Media” and select an image for your product bundle.

Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

2. Add bundle items

Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item to the product bundle.

BOGO Deals Add bundle WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

Then select the “Use default-product” to add the default product. For example, we selected Polo as the default product that customers should purchase it.

Now in the “Default Product” field search for the polo and select it.

Click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new item for the gift product.

Configurate item of product bundle plugin

Check the “Use default-product” and in the “Default Product” field search for the gift product and select it.

The bundle item has a “Discount” field and you can use it to apply a discount on the gift product.

Select “Percentage” as the discount type and set “100” as the value of the discount. The gift product will be free.

Configurate items of WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

3. Final Result

Publish the product and you will see the product in the below image.

Final result of WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin

When the customer purchases it, he will only pay the Polo price and will get the gift product for free.

Offer Multiple Gift Products in WooCommerce

You can offer multiple gift products in WooCommerce with Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin.

In the BOGO deal offered in the above example, we offered one product as a gift product. So we can edit it to include multiple product items.

To offer multiple products as gifts, edit the “Products” field of the item and include all of the gift products there, so the customer can choose from them.

In the “Products” field search for the gift products and include them like the below image.

Offer Multiple Gift Products in WooCommerce

You can use one of the gift products as a default gift product or leave it empty to allow the customer to choose it.

The product page will be like the below image and allows the customer to choose the gift product in a popup.

Final result of offer Multiple Gift Products in WooCommerce

Create Configurable or Personalized Products in WooCommerce

Products like foods or clothes sets are examples of configurable or personalized products.

If you want to make your restaurant different from other ones you can offer configurable foods. It allows customers to make the food as they like it.

1. Create regular products

To create a configurable product, first, you should create simple or variable products that you want to include in the bundle.

2. Create a Product Bundle

After creating regular products in WooCommerce, navigate to WooCommerce Products >> Add New to create a new product.

Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

3. Add Items to the Bundle

Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item to the product bundle.

You can set a default product for each bundle item by selecting the “Use default-product” checkbox and including the default product in the “Default product” field.

Now you can include other available options for that item in the “Products” field of the item. Search for the products and add them to the “Products” field.

Or if you would like to include products from a category, you can do it with the “Categories” field of the item. You can search for categories and add them to the “Categories” field.

You can do the same for the product tags and include them in the “Tags” field.

Add Items to the Bundle

Now we have added an item to the bundle, and you can repeat the above “Add Items to the Bundle” steps to add other items to the bundle.

4. Final Result of WooCommerce Mix and Match

We have created a configurable men’s clothes set that allow the customers to build their own set like the below image.

Final Result of WooCommerce Mix and Match


The plugin has the below shortcodes and you can use them:

  • [asnp_wepb_product] Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • [asnp_wepb_product show_add_to_cart="1"] Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.


To delve deeper into the realm of Product Bundle plugin and their applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below. These resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the potential of this plugin to the fullest:

WooCommerce Mix and Match Free Plugin FAQ

What is a mix and match product?

A mix-and-match product allows customers to create personalized boxes. They can select products and quantities from multiple available products and mix them together to build their own one.

How to create a mix and match product in WooCommerce?

To create a mix and match product you can use the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce. The plugin allows creating simple to advanced mix and match products like bundle discounts, BOGO deals, multiple gift products, custom products, and configurable or personalized products easily.

How do I merge two products in WooCommerce?

If you want to merge products and sell them together then you can create a bundle product and sell it. You can use the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin to create simple to advanced bundles.

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WooCommerce Product Bundle with Variations (Free Plugin)

WooCommerce product bundles with variations

Do you want to create a WooCommerce product bundle with variations? In this article, we will learn how to create product bundles with variable products and product variations.

Customers can build products from available bundle products and can set the quantity for each item. Then he can get the whole bundle at a discounted price.

Product bundles are one of the best strategies to increase average order value.

What is WooCommerce Product Bundle?

A WooCommerce Product Bundle is a type of product that combines other products or related products in a bundle. For example, an iPhone bundle includes an iPhone 14 + iPhone 14 case + iPhone 14 glass cover.

What is the goal of the WooCommerce Product Bundle?

The most crucial goal of the WooCommerce Product Bundle is to bring more sales to your store. You can create interesting product bundles with a discounted price that encourages people to buy it. So the product bundle will increase the average order value.

Benefits of Creating Product Bundles in WooCommerce

Some of the important benefits of creating product bundles in WooCommerce are:

Video Tutorial

How to Create a WooCommerce Product Bundle with Variable Products

To create a WooCommerce Product Bundle with variable products we will use the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce which is a free plugin.

1. Install WooCommerce Product Bundles Free Plugin

To install Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles, follow the below steps.

  • Navigate to the Plugins >> Add New menu on your WordPress website
  • Search for “Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce
  • Find the “Bundles – WooCommerce Product Bundles” by “Asana Plugins
  • Install the plugin and activate it.

2. Create Bundle Product in WooCommerce

To include variable products in the bundle items follow the below steps.

Navigate to WooCommerce Products >> Add New to create a new product.

Set a name for the product bundle and add an image for it.

Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

3. Add Bundle Items

Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item to the product bundle.

Now in the “Products” field of the bundle item search for a variable product and select it.

You can include as many products as you want in the “Products” field.

If you are using the pro version of the Easy Product Bundles for WooCommerce, then you can set one of the variations as the default selected variation.

To set a default product to the item, enable the “use default-product” option, and in the “Default Product” field search for a variation and select it. Selecting variation products are only available in the PRO version.

You can set a “percentage, price, or fixed price” discount on the bundle item by using the “Discount” field of the item.

If you want to add other bundle items, you can click on the “Add Bundle” button to add another bundle item. Follow the steps under “Add bundle items“. We created two bundle items.

Configurate item of  Product Bundle with Variations

4. Set price for Product Bundle

The plugin allows two types of pricing for product bundles.

  • Fixed Price: Sets a fixed price for the whole bundle product.
  • Auto Calculate Bundle Price: Allow the plugin to calculate the bundle product price using the selected products for the bundle items.

If you want to set a fixed price for the product bundle, enable the “Fixed price” option and navigate to the “General” tab, and set a price for the “Regular price” field. You can set a “Sale price” too.

fixed price for WooCommerce product bundle

To use the “Auto Calculate Bundle Price” disable the “Fixed price” option.

5. Final Result

Click on the “Publish” button to publish the bundle product in your WooCommerce store.

The product bundle page will be like the below image.

Final result of WooCommerce Product Bundle with Variations (Free Plugin)

The customer can choose other available variations from the popup.

How to Create a WooCommerce Product Bundle with Variations

If you want to create a WooCommerce product bundle with variations then you can use the WooCommerce Product Bundles pro version. You have the ability to include specific variations in the product bundle.

1. Install WooCommerce Product Bundles Pro Plugin

To create a WooCommerce Product Bundle with Variations you should install and activate the WooCommerce Product Bundles Pro plugin.

2. Create Bundle Product in WooCommerce

To include variation products in the bundle items follow the below steps.

Navigate to WooCommerce Products >> Add New to create a new product.

Set a name for the product bundle and add an image for it.

Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

3. Add Bundle Items

Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item to the product bundle.

Create bundle item for variable Product Bundle

To add a default product to the bundle item, enable the “Use default-product” and in the “Product” field search for a variation and select it.

To add other variations to the item, in the “Products” field search for variations and select them.

You can set a “percentage, price, or fixed price” discount on the bundle item by using the “Discount” field of the item.

Configurate Bundle Items

If you want to add other bundle items, you can click on the “Add Bundle” button to add another bundle item. Follow the steps under “Add bundle items“. We created two bundle items.

4. Set price for Product Bundle

The plugin allows two types of pricing for product bundles.

  • Fixed Price: Sets a fixed price for the whole bundle product.
  • Auto Calculate Bundle Price: Allow the plugin to calculate the bundle product price using the selected products for the bundle items.

If you want to set a fixed price for the product bundle, enable the “Fixed price” option and navigate to the “General” tab, and set a price for the “Regular price” field. You can set a “Sale price” too.

fixed price of product bundle in woocommerce

To use the “Auto Calculate Bundle Price” disable the “Fixed price” option.

5. Final Result

Now you can publish the product on your website.

The WooCommerce product bundle with variations is like the below image.

The customer can choose other available variations from the popup.


The plugin has the below shortcodes and you can use them:

  • [asnp_wepb_product] Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • [asnp_wepb_product show_add_to_cart="1"] Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.


To delve deeper into the realm of Product Bundle plugin and their applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below. These resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the potential of this plugin to the fullest:

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How to Create WooCommerce Product Bundles (2023 Tutorial)

Product Bundle or Product Groups is a strategy to group products together and sell them with a discount or without. This strategy convinces the customer to spend more money on increasing the average order value. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create various WooCommerce Product Bundles quickly and easily.

There are several methods to implement product bounding in WooCommerce. In this guide, we will introduce some useful product bundle strategies like Assembled Products, Mix-and-Match products, Dynamic Bundles, Simple Bundles, BOGO (Buy One Get One Deal), Gift Products, Optional Products, Frequently Bought Together Products, personalized boxes, recommend add-ons and essential.

WooCommerce Product Bundles Plugin

The Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin allows you to create simple to advanced product bundles in WooCommerce. In this article, we use the Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin to create advanced and simple product bundles.

Some example product bundles that you can create with the Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin.

  • Simple or Pure product bundles
  • Advanced and Dynamic product bundles
  • Composite Products
  • Custom Bundles with Categories
  • Assembled products bundle
  • Mix-and-Match products bundle
  • Frequently bought together products bundle
  • Create BOGO deals
  • Give gift products
  • Create Personalized Boxes
  • Recommend addons and essentials
  • Optional products in WooCommerce Product Bundles

How to Create Simple WooCommerce Product Bundles

If you want to simply group some of your products and sell them together then you can use this strategy.

In this strategy, the customer does not need to select products and add them to the bundle because they are selected already by the store owner.

Available pricing strategies:

  • Fixed Price: You can set a regular or sale price for the whole product bundle
  • Auto calculating the price: The plugin calculates the final price based on selected products for the bundle. You can set a percentage, price, or fixed price discount for each bundle item.

You can read Product Bundles in WooCommerce for more information.

How to Create Dynamic WooCommerce Product Bundles

If you want to give the customer the option to choose the products to create the final product bundle then this strategy is the most suitable option for you.

Dynamic Product Bundles allow the customer to pick from available products and build his own product bundle.

Available pricing strategies:

  • Fixed Price: You can set a regular or sale price for the whole product bundle
  • Auto calculating the price: The plugin calculates the final price based on selected products for the bundle. You can set a percentage, price, or fixed price discount for each bundle item.

You can read Create Dynamic WooCommerce Product Bundles for more information.

How to Create WooCommerce Composite Products

A WooCommerce composite products are a type of product in the WooCommerce e-commerce platform that allows customers to create and purchase customized products by selecting from a list of pre-defined components or options. for example “Build Your Own Pet Basket” which that lets customers choose the items that will make up their own unique gift basket for their beautiful furry friends.

You can read Create WooCommerce Composite Products for more information.

How to Create WooCommerce Composite Products

How to Create Custom Bundles with Categories 

One of the key features of the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin is the ability to add categories to the bundle items. Categories allow you to group related products together, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and create custom bundles that fit their needs. By using categories in your bundles, you can provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers and increase the likelihood of a sale.

You can read Create Custom Bundles with Categories for more information.

How to Create Custom Bundles with Categories

How to Create WooCommerce Combo Offers

WooCommerce combo offers harness the dynamic strategy of bundling multiple products or services into irresistible deals, designed to captivate customers and drive sales. This feature empowers online store owners using the WooCommerce platform to craft compelling incentives, such as exclusive discounts or special pricing, when customers purchase specific combinations of items. For instance, imagine enticing “buy one, get one free” promotions on related products or bundled packages of complementary items offered at a discounted rate. By tapping into the potential of WooCommerce combo offers, merchants can supercharge their sales, inspire larger transactions, swiftly clear inventory, and elevate the shopping journey for their valued clientele.

You can read WooCommerce Combo Offers article for more information.

How to Create WooCommerce Combo Offers

Create Assembled Products in WooCommerce

Are you selling the products that should be assembled? You can allow your customers to assemble their favourite products with WooCommerce Product Bundles.

The customer assembles a product by picking available different components for that product.

You can read How Create Assembled Products in WooCommerce article for more information.

Assembled Products with WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin

Create Mix-and-Match Products in WooCommerce

Customizable foods like Sandwiches, Pizzas, or Salads are examples of mix-and-match products.

If you have a WooCommerce-based restaurant that allows customers to order food online, then you can give them the ability to pick food items too. This strategy makes your online restaurant different from other restaurants.

You can read mix and match products in WooCommerce article for more information.

WooCommerce Mix and Match plugin

Create Frequently Bought Together Products Bundle

Stores like Amazon use “frequently bought together” to increase customer average order value through cross-sells and upsells.

WooCommerce Product Bundles help you to bundle your “frequently bought together” products and sell them.

You can set a discount on the “frequently bought together” product to make it tempting to your customers.

Frequently bought products together product bundle in WooCommerce

How to Create BOGO Deals with WooCommerce Product Bundles

Would you like to create “Buy One Get One” deals in WooCommerce? BOGO deals are a great way to win new customers.

You can use the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin to create BOGO deals, however, if you would like to create more advanced BOGO deals you can check Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin.

WooCommerce Product Bundles BOGO deals

Gift Products

You can offer a gift product when a customer purchases a specific product. This way you can increase product sales while making customers happy to purchase that product.

Gift product deals have a great impact on customer loyalty and can increase store revenue too.

Read gift products with WooCommerce product bundles article for more information.

If you would like to auto-add gift products to the cart based on advanced conditions you can check out Auto Add Products to Cart for WooCommerce plugin.

Offer gift products

Create Personalized Boxes in WooCommerce Product Bundles

Allow your customers to create personalized boxes by pick and mix product strategy. You can control the minimum and maximum quantity of items that customers can add to the personalized box.

Recommend Addons and Essentials

If a product has add-ons or essentials you can create a product bundle and offer add-ons as bundle items of that product. Also, you can offer add-ons or essentials as optional bundle items. This way you can increase the average order value.

Optional Products in WooCommerce Product Bundles

You can offer some or all the bundle items as an optional item. When you offer an item optional then the customer does not have to pick a product for that item.

You can set a default product for the optional item too and the customer can remove or change it.

Optional Products in WooCommerce Product Bundles

How to translate WooCommerce product bundle

Translating the WooCommerce product bundle into your own language can have a positive effect on increasing the income of your online store, you can reach customers who may not speak English and are more likely to shop in their native language. 

You can read How to Translate WooCommerce product bundle article for more information.

Themes and Sizes

There are multiple beautiful grids and list themes in the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin.

Also, you can choose “small, medium, or large” sizes for items of the product bundle in WooCommerce.

Themes and Sizes of WooCommerce product bundle

Powerful Price Calculation

The Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin offers fixed price or auto-calculated price options to create bundles. You can set a fixed price for the whole bundle or allow the plugin to calculate a dynamic price based on each bundle item’s price.

Fixed price for product bundles

The plugin allows adding percentage, price, or fixed price discounts on each bundle item when using the auto-calculate price feature.

Discount for product bundle

Shipping Fee Calculation

Select to calculate the shipping fee for the whole bundle or each bundle item.

Shipping Fee Calculation for product bundles

Coupon Apply Method

Control how coupons should be applied to the bundle product (Both bundle and bundle items | Only bundle | On bundle items | None).

Coupon Apply Method of bundled product


To delve deeper into the realm of Product Bundle plugin and their applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below. These resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the potential of this plugin to the fullest:

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How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products?

How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products

WooCommerce is the number one eCommerce platform for WordPress users. It has huge functionality and a big impact on your online business improvement and sales. And as an online shop owner sometimes you may want to place discounts on your sale items. If you are a WordPress beginner then you may discover new plugins, themes, many tips, and tutorials on WPGlob WordPress Tutorials. So, in this article, we will teach you how to add discounts on WooCommerce products.

What Can You Do with The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin?

Best WooCommmerce Bulk Discount Free Plugin

The plugin is represented by the Asana Plugins. And it has more than 5.000 active installations and a 4.8 out of 5-star rating.

As we mentioned above, the plugin has plenty of effective options that will help you to manage your WooCommerce shop. At this point, you will encounter all the essential functions that are provided by the plugin’s developers.

So with the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin, you may create these discounts:

  • Cart Discounts
  • Bulk Discounts
  • Advanced Discounts
  • Percentage Discounts
  • Dynamic Pricing
  • Product Quantity Discounts
  • Automatic Discounts

In addition to the mentioned ones, you may also create dynamic and advanced shipping methods, and the best sale offers for your WooCommerce platform. Moreover, it can be highly significant not only for professional users but also for beginners due to its simple usage rules.

The suggested discount ways are mentioned below:

  • Buy two, Get one free
  • Member pricing
  • Deals of the day
  • Individual pricing 
  • Buy 1, get 1 free
  • Bogo deals
  • WooCommerce buy 1, get 1 free
  • Category Discount
  • WooCommerce Countdown timer, etc.

Besides including the products into the list of discounted items, you may also exclude them from the set pricing rules.

Some Special Options of The Plugin

At this point, we shall discuss the unique options offered by the plugin for your WooCommerce platform.

Discount by Simple Pricing: This is the case when you set a discount on a certain condition. For example, one item will be discounted in the case that all the bought item’s subtotal price is greater than £X.

Product subtotal discount for WooCommerce

Countdown timer: This function will help you to set a precise expiration date of the discount.

Countdown timer for WooCommerce

Bulk Pricing: This option decreases the item’s cost according to the quantity that the customer buys.

Quantity based discounts for WooCommerce

Set discounts according to the product groups: This option adjusts the item group’s cost.

Products bundle discounts in WooCommerce

Buy X product, Get X1 free: This is a way of promoting one product due to another one. Also, it works, based on the quantity. This means that if you buy, for example, 4 caps you will get 1 free, etc.

Add BOGO discounts on WooCommerce products

Advanced WooCommerce shipping methods: The plugin offers 2 variants of the WooCommerce shipping methods:

  • An additional $10 is added to the total cost if the weight is equal to or greater than 10.
  • The other variant is free of charge. This is available in the case your bought item’s total cost is $50.

Live Price: This displays the product’s price on its page. Besides, you may set specific fees and extra amounts according to this or that type or category of the products (for example, an additional $3 for the heavy package, etc.).

Add discounts on WooCommerce products

As you may see, the plugin offers you almost all the features that you would like to have when setting discounts on your WooCommerce platform.

Along with the mentioned advantages the plugin is famous for its powerful conditional logic which includes:

  • Cart: Products in carts, total prices including or excluding the taxes, item categories, etc.
  • Purchase history: This part includes the bought items, variation, categories, etc.
  • Customers: This section is about the specific or logged-in customers as well as the order numbers, amount, and money spent on them.
  • Roles: This part refers to the specific roles.

If you do not have an idea of what discount offers you may place on your product page then you will highly benefit from the list of the discount scenarios presented by the plugin developers.

How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products via This Plugin?

So, it is very easy to add a discount to your WooCommerce store products. But in order to work with this plugin, you need to have WooCommerce activated and added some products to your shop.

Here are the main sections of this plugin:

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

So let us review all these sections one by one.

  • The first section is Discounts which is used to create automatic cart coupons.
Automatic coupons for WooCommer5ce
  • The next section is the pricing rules which is used to apply a discount or fee on the product price based on conditions, and we will exlain this section in more details in this article.
  • Moving forward, the next section is Shipping Methods which is used to create advanced and dynamic shipping methods.
How to created dynamic shipping methods in WooCommerce
  • The next is Checkout Fee that can helps to created advanced and conditional checkout fees in WooCommerce.
Dynamic shipping methods for WooCommerce
  • The next section is Auto Add Products for WooCommerce, that is available as addon. You can use it to give gift products to your customers. E.g: Customers who spent at least 200$ will get a t-shirt for free.
Gift products for WooCommerce
  • The next one is the Shipping Discounts which is available as an addon. You can use it to discount shipping methods amount.
Advanced shipping methods discount for WooCommerce
  • Next is the Products section which is used to list specific products in your WooCommerce store. E.g: create a page and list products that is on sale.

Let’s start to add discounts on WooCommerce products.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a new pricing rule like the below image.

How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products?

Open the product page to see the applied discount on the product.

How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products?

Here is another example that adds different discounts for different products.

How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products?

Discount on the product page.

How to Add Discounts on WooCommerce Products?

Pricing Strategy

The plugin offers a free version. Yet, if you want to get advanced features, too then you need to purchase the payable Pro version. Currently, there is a big 50% sale on the Pro plans. So the pricing is presented below:

  • 1 Site$60 $30
  • 5 Sites$120 $59
  • 25 Sites$180 $89

One more important note is that the subscription provides you a year of full support and update notification.

Wrapping Up

So, we have already discussed one of the most engaging things on Ecommerce websites. As in all the shops, also in the case of an online store, the discounts are very demanded and attract the customers very effectively.

For online shop owners, WordPress offers one of the best eCommerce platforms that is WooCommerce. And as it is very popular among WP users plugin developers tend to create more plugins that can be too useful for WooCommerce store owners.

So, in our article, we have reviewed the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Plugin. It can be an irreplaceable choice for the users who tend to set different types of discounts on their websites. Due to its advanced features, the plugin contains almost all the tools to set engaging and attractive discounts that will be preferable both for the site owner and the consumers.

And now all you need to do is install the plugin and enjoy one of the best user experiences that you may not even imagine. In this article, we taught you how to add discounts on WooCommerce products while the plugin offers more extra discounts features that you can implement in your store.

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How to Create WooCommerce Category Discounts? (2024 Tutorial)

How to create category discounts in WooCommerce

Category-based discounts in WooCommerce are one of the best strategies that can help you to increase sales and revenue. You can offer various types of discounts on categories like price discounts on categories, percentage discounts on categories, fixed price discounts, user role-based category discounts, bulk discounts on categories, BOGO deals on categories, Buy from a category, and get products from another category, and etc. In this article, we will learn you how to create WooCommerce category discounts.

What is a WooCommerce Category Discount?

WooCommerce category discount is a type of discount that you can use it to offer a discount on all products of a specific category or multiple categories. For example, you can discount all t-shirts inside the t-shirt category. Also, you can offer a bulk discount on category level for wholesale buyers.

Why You Might Want to Create a WooCommerce Category Discount

Offering all products of a WooCommerce category with a discount is a better strategy than offering individual coupons. When you offer a discount on a top seller category it might urge your customers to buy more, and as well will increase your store revenue.

Also you can use this strategy to clear unwanted inventory, for example offering a discount on summer clothes at the end of the season is a good move. By using this strategy you can clear unwanted inventory faster and open place for the new products.

How To Create a WooCommerce Category Discount?

Benefits of WooCommerce category discounts encourage us to create one. This blog post is a complete guide to create WooCommerce discounts by category.

To create discounts based on the category in WooCommerce we will use the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin, which offers multiple types of discounts for categories.

In this article we will create below type of discounts for categories.

  • Category based price discounts in WooCommerce
  • Category based percentage discounts in WooCommerce
  • Different percentage discount for different categories
  • Scheduled WooCommerce Category Discounts
  • User Role based discounts for categories in WooCommerce
  • Category based bulk discount in WooCommerce
  • BOGO deals and discounts for categories in WooCommerce
  • Buy from a category and get a discount on another category in WooCommerce
  • Bundle discounts based on a category in WooCommerce (Buy 4 t-shirts for 100$ or Buy 2 clothing for 50$)
  • Category based price coupon in WooCommerce
  • Category based percentage coupon in WooCommerce
  • Category discount based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce
  • Buy from multiple categories and get a discount (Buy at least one item from category t-shirts and hoodies and get a 20% discount)

Video Tutorial

Category based price discounts in WooCommerce

Category-based price discounts in WooCommerce apply a price discount like 10$ discount on a specific category. For example, you want to give a 10$ discount offer on the t-shirts categories.

This type of discount will discount all products in the specific category and will show the discounted price and the original price as a strike-out price on the product page.

In this example, we will give a 10$ discount on the t-shirts and hoodies categories.

To create a price discount for a category in WooCommerce go to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a new pricing rule like the below image.

Create a WooCommerce Pricing Rule
Create a WooCommerce Price Rule

Now create a pricing rule like the below image to give a 10$ price discount on a specific category in WooCommerce.

Price discount rule for a category in WooCommerce
Price discount rule for a category

The above rule will apply a 10$ discount on all t-shirts and hoodies products. If you visit a t-shirt product you will see applied discount on it like the below images.

price discount applied on all of category products in WooCommerce
price discount applied on all of category products
Price discount on categories in WooCommerce cart
Price discount on categories in WooCommerce cart

As you can see in the above images, a 10$ price discount applied on all of the products in the category in product and cart pages.

Category based percentage discounts in WooCommerce

Category-based percentage discounts in WooCommerce apply a price discount like a 30% discount on specific categories. For example, discounting all products of the Hoodies category by 30%.

By using a percentage discount for categories in WooCommerce, you will discount all products of the category by a percentage value. It will show the discounted prices on the product page and strike out the product’s original price.

To create a percentage discount for a category in WooCommerce go to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a new pricing rule like the below image.

percentage discount rule for category
percentage discount rule for category

The above rule will apply a 30% percentage discount on the Accessories and Music categories like the below images.

Percentage discount applied on category product
Percentage discount applied on category product

Now if you add some products from the discounted categories to the cart, you will see applied discount on the categories in WooCommerce cart.

Discounting category products in WooCommerce
Discounting category products in WooCommerce

Different percentage discount for different categories

It is possible to set different percentage discounts for different categories. For example, t-shirts will get a 10% discount, Hoodies will get a 15% discount, Accessories will get a 20% discount.

To create different discount percentage for different categories, you can use a rule for each of categories. A rule for t-shirts, another rule for Hoodies and one for Accessories.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing and create a pricing rule for each of the categories that have different discounts like the below image.

Different discount for different categories in WooCommerce
Different discount for different categories in WooCommerce

As you can see in the below image different categories has different discounts.

Different discount percentage for categories in WooCommerce
Different discount percentage for categories

Now if you add a product from different categories to the cart, you will see that each category will get its own discount.

Different percentage discount for different categories in WooCommerce
Different percentage discount for different categories

Scheduled WooCommerce Category Discounts

Scheduled WooCommerce category discounts helps you to schedule a category for discount on specific dates or times. You can use scheduled discounts for categories to sale them on end of seasons or on special days like Black Friday discounts, Cyber Monday Discounts.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing and add a new price rule to create a scheduled WooCommerce category discounts.

Schedule category discount rule in WooCommerce
Schedule category discount rule in WooCommerce

To schedule categories for sale in WooCommerce, we used a pricing rule and adding a date condition for it. It is possible to use various types of date conditions like Date, Date-Time, Time, Days, Specific Days to schedule categories for sale.

In this example, we scheduled t-shirt category for sale on June in WooCommerce.

Category scheduled for sale in WooCommerce
Category scheduled for sale in WooCommerce

User Role based discounts for categories in WooCommerce

Offering category discounts based on user role or for specific users can be done by the WooCommerce Discount Rules plugin. To offer a category discount for your wholesale customers you can create a pricing or cart discount rule in the plugin. It is possible to offer discounts for any user role.

In this example, we will create a discount rule that will discounts t-shirts and hoodies by 30% for wholesale customers.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a rule like the below image to create a category discount for wholesale customers in WooCommerce.

user role based discount for categories
user role based discount for categories

Now if you login with a wholesale customer, you will see applied discount on the products like the below image.

Category discount based on user role in WooCommerce
Category discount based on user role

Category based bulk discount in WooCommerce

Category-based bulk discounts in WooCommerce can help to create quantity-based discounts for all products of a category. WooCommerce category-based bulk discounts can also be named quantity-based category discounts or category-based tiered discounts. You can learn more about bulk discounts here.

WooCommerce Bulk Discount Rule For A Category Example:

  • Buy 2-5 quantities to get a 5% percentage discount
  • Buy 6-10 quantities to get a 10% percentage discount
  • Buy 11-15 quantities to get a 15% percentage discount
  • Buy 16 or more quantities to get a 20% percentage discount

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a rule like the below image to create bulk discount for categories in WooCommerce.

Bulk discount rule for a category in WooCommerce
Bulk discount rule for a category in WooCommerce

The above rule will apply a quantity based discount on a category.

In the rule we set the “Quantity based on” field to the “Sum of all products quantities” and when calculating the quantities inside the cart, it will consider all of category products quantities. If you would like to calculate quantity separately for each product you can use “Single product” or “Single product variation” or “Cart line item”..

Category based bulk discount in WooCommerce

In the above image, there are 16 items of the “Clothing” category in the cart, and based on the bulk discount rule each item will get a 20% percent discount.

BOGO deals and discounts for categories in WooCommerce

BOGO deals for categories in WooCommerce is a way to apply a discount on a category item when the customer purchases certain quantities from that category. For example, Buy 1 Get 1 Free, Buy 2 Get 1 for Free, or Buy 3 Get 1 Free.

I this example we will give 1 quantity for free if customer buy 2 items from the category in other words buy 2 get 1 for free.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a rule like the below image to create a BOGO discount for categories in WooCommerce.

Category BOGO deal rule in WooCommerce
Category BOGO deal rule

Based on the above rule, if the customer has 3 items of t-shirt category in the cart the cheapest t-shirt will be for free.

BOGO discount for a category in WooCommerce
BOGO discount for a category in WooCommerce

Buy from a category and get a discount on another category in WooCommerce

You can create BOGO deals that will discount a category when customer purchase certain quantities from a specific category. For example buy 2 t-shirts and get 1 product from Accessories category with a 50% discount, or buy 2 t-shirts and get a Cap product for free.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing and add a rule like the below image.

BOGO deal rule for different categories in WooCommerce
BOGO deal rule for different categories

Now if the customer buys 2 t-shirts he will get an accessory with a 50% discount

Different categories BOGO deal in WooCommerce
Different categories BOGO deal in WooCommerce

Bundle discounts based on a category in WooCommerce

By a bundle discount based on a category in WooCommerce, customers can build custom bundles with categories to get them all with a discount. This type of discount is interesting for customers because they can build their own custom bundles and will increase your sales. Read Bundle discounts in WooComerce for more information.

Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing and add a rule like the below image, to create a bundle discount for categories in WooCommerce.

Category bundle discount in WooCommerce
Category bundle discount rule in WooCommerce

In this example, we sell 2 items from t-shirts or hoodies or both of them for 50$.

Bundle discount for categories in WooCommerce
Bundle discount for categories in WooCommerce

In the above image because customer purchased two items from t-shirts and hoodies category then the bundle is created and its price set to 50$.

Category bundle discount in WooCommerce
Category bundle discount in WooCommerce

In the above image, because there are 2 t-shirt item then bundle created and its price set to 50$.

Category based price coupon in WooCommerce

Category-based price coupon in WooCommerce applies a price discount per item of the category. For example 1$ price discount per category item, if the customer has 2 items of the discounted category in the cart then he will get 1$ discount per item that will be a 2$ total discount on the category. Based on the number of category items in the cart discount can increase.

Category-based price coupon in WooCommerce is like WooCommerce basic coupon but only applies to the specific category products and also will automatically apply to the cart without the need to enter coupon code by the customer.

First please make sure that WooCommerce Coupons are enabled on your site. Then navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Discounts tab to add a new cart discount rule like the below image.

WooCommerce discounts tab
Discounts tab

Now create a rule like the below image to add a 1$ discount per item of the category.

Price coupon discount rule for the category in WooCommerce
Price coupon discount rule for the category in WooCommerce

If you add products of the discounted category to the cart, then a category coupon will apply on them like the below image.

WooCommerce category coupon discount in cart
WooCommerce category coupon discount in cart

As you can see in the above image, the category coupon only applied to the t-shirts products and other products does not get the discount.

Category based percentage coupon in WooCommerce

Category based percentage coupon in WooCommerce, will apply a percentage discount per item of the category inside the cart. For example if you create a 10% discount per category item, then each category items will be discounted by 10%.

Category-based percentage coupon in WooCommerce is like WooCommerce basic coupon but only applies to the specific category products and also will automatically apply to the cart without the need to enter coupon code by the customer.

First please make sure that WooCommerce Coupons are enabled on your site. Then navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Discounts tab to add a new cart discount rule like the below image.

Category percentage coupon code rule
Category percentage coupon code rule

The above category percentage coupon discount, will apply a 10% discount per Accessories category products like the below image.

Category percentage coupon discount in WooCommerce cart
Category percentage coupon discount in WooCommerce cart

Category discount based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce

WooCommerce category discount based on subtotal can help you to give a discount based on cart subtotal to encourage customers to purchase more from your store. You can create a price discount for products or a cart discount based on cart subtotal.

In this scenario we will create a category discount based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce which discounts a specific category items when cart subtotal is greater than 100$.

First please make sure that WooCommerce Coupons are enabled on your site. Then navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Discounts tab to add a new cart discount rule like the below image.

Category discount rule based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce
Category discount rule based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce

A 20% coupon discount applied on the Hoodies category items when cart subtotal is greater or equal to 100$.

Category discount based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce
Category discount based on cart subtotal in WooCommerce

Buy from multiple categories and get a discount

Buy multiple categories or combination category discounts helps to apply a discount to the cart when a customer buys at least one item from the selected categories.

First please make sure that WooCommerce Coupons are enabled on your site. Then navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Discounts tab to add a new cart discount rule like the below image.

multiple categories or combination category discounts rule in WooCommerce
multiple categories or combination category discounts rule

Now if the customer has at least one item of the Hoodies and T-shirts in the cart he will get a 30% discount.

multiple categories or combination category coupon discounts in WooCommerce
multiple categories or combination category coupon discounts

How to Enable WooCommerce Coupons?

To create coupons for categories in WooCommerce, you need to enable WooCommerce coupon so please follow the below steps.

  • Go to the WooCommerce settings page on your site admin.
  • In the “General” tab of the WooCommerce settings page, there is “Enable coupons” and you can enable it and save the settings.

Add Sale Badges

If you want to create eye-catching sale badges for your pricing rules, read these articles :

How to Create WooCommerce Category Discounts Conclusion

Creating a WooCommerce discount by category is one of the effective ways to increase your store sales by attracting new customers or selling to your existing customers.

Types of WooCommece discount by categories:

  • Conditional discounts for categories
  • BOGO deals and discounts for categories
  • Bundle price for categories
  • Bundle discount for categories
  • Bulk price for categories
  • Bulk discount for categories
  • Percentage discount for categories
  • Percentage coupons for categories
  • User role-based category discount
  • Wholesale customers category discount

If you would like to create simple to advanced category discounts, we recommend you to use the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce which supports any type of category discounts in WooCommerce.


What are WooCommerce Category discounts?

Category discounts in WooCommerce, applies a price or percentage discount to all products of a specific category. You can create different discount rules for different categories. For example 10% discount for t-shirts, 5$ discount on Hoodies and etc.

How to add WooCommerce discount per category?

To add a WooCommerce discount per category, you can use the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce which supports simple to advanced category discounts.

What is the best WooCommerce category discount plugin?

In this article, we introduced the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin that enables you to create any type of category discount rules. Category Discounts for WooCommerce, It also named as Easy WooCommerce Discounts, WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts, WooCommerce Advanced Coupons, and WooCommerce Advanced Discounts.

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WooCommerce Free Shipping Based On Cart Subtotal

How to create a free shipping method when the subtotal reaches a certain amount?

In this tutorial, we are going to create WooCommerce free shipping based on cart subtotal using Easy WooCommerce Discounts Pro – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Shipping plugin.

Our Advanced WooCommerce Shipping plugin has advanced rules to create dynamic shipping methods in WooCommerce in a easy way and in this tutorial we are going to create a free shipping method when cart subtotal becomes at least 50$

Making a free shipping method when cart subtotal reaches certain amount

Step 1: Create a shipping method rule

  • First, navigate to Woo Pricing & Discounts Menu
  • Then open the Shipping Methods tab
  • Click on the Add New button to create a new Shipping Method.

Step 2: Add a base shipping method when cart subtotal is less than our certain amount

In this step we will create a base shipping method that will be added when the cart subtotal is less than our desired certain amount that is 50$ in this tutorial. You can skip this step if you don’t like to create a base shipping method for less amounts.

  • As like the below image you can set a name for your base shipping method which is “Base Shipping” in our example
  • Set Apply Mode of the rule to “Apply with other applicable rules” to apply this rule with other applicable shipping rules created in the plugin.
  • Set a cost for your base shipping rule. We set it to 10 in our example.
  • Click on the save button to save the rule.

Step 3: Create a free shipping method rule to apply when cart subtotal reaches certain amount.

  • Go to the Shipping Methods tab as you did in Step 1.
  • Click on the add new rule to create a new shipping method rule in the plugin.
  • As the below image you can set a name for your free shipping method which is “Free Shipping” in our example.
  • Set Apply Mode of the rule to “Apply with other applicable rules” to apply this rule with other applicable shipping rules created in the plugin. Also, you can set the Apply Mode to “Apply this rule and disregard other rules” to apply only this rule when there is more than one applicable rule.
  • Set its cost to 0 to make it a free shipping method.
  • Add a subtotal condition to the rule like the below image, you can use “Subtotal Including Tax” or “Subtotal Excluding Tax” condition.
  • Click on the save button to save the rule.

Now if you navigate to the “Shipping Methods” tab you can see two shipping rules as like the below attached image.

Step 4: Hide shipping rules when a free shipping rule available

  • Navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts plugin Settings Menu.
  • Go to the General tabShipping section.
  • Set “Hide On Free Shipping” option to “Yes” and save the settings.

Video tutorial of how WooCommerce Free Shipping Based On Cart Subtotal

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Plugin

With our WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Plugin, you can create multiple advanced shipping methods with a combination of advanced conditions available in the plugin and as you saw we created a free shipping method and a base shipping method that works together in our website.

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WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping Method

How to create a weight-based shipping method in WooCommerce?

In this video tutorial, we are going to create weight-based shipping in WooCommerce using Easy WooCommerce Discounts Pro – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Shipping plugin.

Add 10$ shipping method when weight is greater or equal to 10, the product weight is 5

You can find the WooCommerce weight-based shipping method rule at the attached image.

WooCommerce weight-based shipping method rule
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Automatically add free products to cart

In this video, we describe how to enable automatically add free products to cart for “Purchase X Receive Y” rules.

Notice: Please note that this feature will work when pricing rule applies on only one product or one variation as like as the video shows it.


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20% discount on specific dates

In this video, we will add 20% discount on specific dates on specific products.