Simple Social Media Stream Release Notes
= 3.25.0 - 14.12.2024 =
Instagram Display API deprecated and replaced with the Instagram API for
business/professional accounts.
= 3.24.1 - 09.12.2024 =
= 3.24.0 - 27.10.2024 =
- Vimeo Unsupported response format issue fixed.
= 3.23.0 - 13.08.2024 =
- TikTok feed support added.
- Fixing the Instagram hashtag feed first load display problem.
= 3.22.2 - 05.03.2024 =
- Fixed an issue in showing license notifications.
= 3.22.1 - 09.02.2024 =
- Fixed the carousel title inline issue.
- Add there is no feed text to the translatable texts.
= 3.22.0 - 24.11.2023 =
- Fixed the ... link to rest of content for Twitter items.
- Fixed an issue related to Instagram hashtag feed photo.
- Handling and loading some API errors within the extension.
- Compatibility check with Joomla 5.0
= 3.21.0 - 27.09.2023 =
- Fixed an issue with Joomla JHtml class.
- Minor bug fix.
= 3.20.1 - 14.09.2023 =
- Twitter API upgraded to v2.
- Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecated dynamic class properties issues.
- Fixed an issue in preg_replace_callback parameters type.
- Fixed an issue in htmlspecialchars parameters type.
- Fixed an issue in array_filter parameters type.
= 3.19.0 - 31.05.2023 =
- Security update jQuery libraries.
= 3.18.0 - 13.04.2023 =
- Remove private videos of the Youtube playlist.
= 3.17.0 - 30.01.2023 =
- Fix the Facebook group feed API problem.
- Fix the hashtag and username linking in item text.
- Fix extra content in feed description.
- Fix showing loading image on default light theme.
= 3.16.0 - 08.12.2022 =
- Fixing an issue in Stream Output feature.
- Fixing the Hero theme hover effects.
= 3.15.0 - 11.11.2022 =
- Fixing the lightbox items filtering problem.
- Fixing an issue related to Link whole item to original feature.
- Fixing images issue inside the carousel.
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.2.5
= 3.14.0 - 27.09.2022 =
- Fixing the Pinterest duplicate items issue.
- Fixing an issue related to the opening of lightbox.
= 3.13.0 - 16.08.2022 =
- Joomla 4 support added.
- Fixed some issues in lightbox view.
- Handling comments error while API is not providing data.
- Fixing the Instagram reel video type displaying problem.
- Fixing empty image problem on some Facebook items.
- Fixed the carousel share icons problem on mobile.
- Instagram business carousel video item problem fixed.
= 3.12.0 - 14.07.2022 =
- Carousel widget sliding problem fixed.
- Carousel Hero layout one row display problem fixed.
= 3.11.0 - 16.05.2022 =
- Instagram connection using Our App is back.
- Connect by token for Facebook and Instagram business added.
- Fixing issue in saving and getting network ID fields values.
= 3.10.0 - 13.04.2022 =
- Facebook connection using Our App is back.
- SoundCloud API problem fixed.
- Adding feed by search term to SoundCloud.
- Fixing onload relayout problem on big screens.
= 3.9.1 - 20.02.2022 =
- Fixing an issue in the default layout.
- Fixing Text class error message on Joomla 3
= 3.9.0 - 20.02.2022 =
- Instagram location feed option removed.
- Instagram full media information feature removed.
- Instagram Login connection obsoleted and removed.
Facebook and Instagram connection using Our App temporarily removed.
- Facebook comments error #200 Missing Permissions fixed.
= 3.8.0 - 19.01.2022 =
- Option to be able to link the whole item to the original post.
- Feature to limit chinese characters count on the items.
- Fixing the retweet user photo problem.
- Fixing the Instagram load more problem on personal API.
- Fixing PHP 8 deprecated warning messages.
= 3.7.0 - 04.10.2021 =
- Some code structure quality fixes.
Problem of displaying of some other Facebook users posts on the stream
has been fixed.
- Instagram API updated to the latest version.
- VK API updated to the latest version.
= 3.6.0 - 24.06.2021 =
- Adding an option to configure slice point.
Fix an issue in checking Instagram login credentials for Instagram
- Fix an issue in Instagram comments.
Fixing an issue in the connect instagram business accounts button.
- Fixing the Insta hashtag no paging issue.
- Fix Instagram business fields.
- Fixing issue of huge file size for the log file.
- Fix video feeds issues in Instagram.
- Fixing Vimeo thumb issue.
- Instagram IGTV videos fix.
- fixed instagram sidecar slide in light box.
= 3.5.0 - 06.05.2021 =
- Adding hover effect for images.
- Fixing the Instagram hashtag feed problem.
- Fixing images issue in the Instagram unofficial method (scraper).
= 3.4.0 - 22.04.2021 =
- Fixing an issue in setting Twitter access token.
- Fixing issue of running notifications on Ajax requests.
- Fixing the showmore button always enabled issue.
- Fixing date/time issue on RSS feeds.
- Fixing the Instagram feed after problem.
- Fixing warning of full name in Instagram.
- Fixing translation issue of likes and comments.
- Adding alt tag to comments and likes profile images.
- Fixing the Twitter retweets user profile image problem.
- Twitter API credentials suspended app problem fixed.
- Adding German and Frech language files for the frontend.
Show license messages only on the component and control panel pages.
= 3.3.1 - 07.01.2021 =
- Fixing an issue in the component settings after 3.3.0 update.
= 3.3.0 - 06.01.2021 =
Instagram business official Graph API user and hashtag feed feature
Instagram personal display API access token automatic refresh added.
- Instagram private login/password credentials setup added.
- Stream Auto Refresh feature removed.
- Fixing the Infinite load more issue on mobile.
- Fixing the Facebook tagged feed problem.
= 3.2.0 - 22.12.2020 =
- Fixing scroll issue in timeline layout.
- Adding a log class to log messages when necessary.
- Fixing an issue of log to file when debug log is not enabled.
= 3.1.0 - 23.11.2020 =
- Fixed the Instagram official API feed cache problem.
- Handling the Instagram official API.
Set "Item Width Definition" option on "Based on container width" by
- Fixing the page auto scroll problem on Grid layout.
= 3.0.1 - 21.09.2020 =
- Fixing an issue in adding new themes to the component themes.
= 3.0.0 - 20.09.2020 =
- Added compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Added a new brick theme with a beautiful grid layout.
- Added a new hero theme with a beautiful carousel layout.
- Added a new grid carousel layout.
- Custom sized grid layout added.
Added a feature to convert Facebook shared links to embedded item.
- Making some changes in custom theme class.
- Separating themes options in back-end.
- Feature to display Instagram image gallery in carousel mode.
- Instagram API credentials setting is back for banned servers.
Fixing the Instagram Feed duplicated items problem on load more action.
= 2.15.0 - 14.07.2020 =
- Feed loading issues due to Instagram API changes fixed.
- Adding alt tag description to the images.
= 2.14.0 - 07.06.2020 =
- Fixing the Instagram API change 'Response code is 200' problem.
- VK Search Term/Hashtag feed added.
- Facebook user feed added.
= 2.13.0 - 26.05.2020 =
Fixing the Instagram API change 'Media with this code does not exist'
Fixing the double url in links occured after release 2.12.0
= 2.12.0 - 14.05.2020 =
- Instagram login error handling problem fixed.
- Turn off autocomplete on Instagram login info.
- Fixing the links when getting Facebook video feed.
- Instagram and YouTube Ajax comments loading problem fixed.
= 2.11.0 - 18.04.2020 =
- Allowing lang and locale parameters in Twitter search feed.
- Fixing the Instagram hashtag feed item description problem.
- Fixing the CacheManager multi instanced drivers error.
Fixing the filtering problem while there are two streams on the same
= 2.10.0 - 14.03.2020 =
Latest problem of loading some Facebook images on Safari due to API
change has been fixed.
Latest problem of displaying of user information on Facebook items has
been fixed.
Fixing the "This content isn't available right now" problem on Facebook.
- Instagram profile information display problem fixed.
Instagram official API v1 credentials setup removed of the plugin.
= 2.9.0 - 12.01.2020 =
- Instagram getting feed by location ID problem fixed.
- Instagram getting feed by geographical location removed.
- Instagram login information setup added.
- Instagram IP banned restriction problem resolved.
= 2.8.1 - 02.12.2019 =
- Instagram conflicting of cached feeds problem fixed.
- Use Facebook user token if no page is connected to the plugin.
- Fixing the item gap problem in photo gallery display mode.
- Replacing ... with Read More in Word Limiter.
= 2.8.0 - 06.11.2019 =
- Instagram lacking user info problem fixed.
- Facebook getting personal profile feed feature added.
- Making sharing buttons responsive.
- LinkedIn removed from the extension.
= 2.7.1 - 07.10.2019 =
- Setup multiple Facebook pages listing problem fixed.
= 2.7.0 - 03.10.2019 =
- Facebook duplicate description fixed.
- Access token added into the Authenticated Accounts section.
= 2.6.0 - 17.09.2019 =
- Facebook multi account authentication feature added.
- Facebook problem with API v4 fixed.
- Page username problem in Facebook API Credentials setup fixed.
- Instagram multi account authentication feature added.
- Instagram proxy setting authentication problem fixed.
Instagram access token tool public_content permission problem fixed.
= 2.5.0 - 05.09.2019 =
- Adding own App credentials setup for Facebook.
- Ordering results by default added to settings.
- Minor bug fixes.
= 2.4.1 - 09.06.2019 =
- Fix displaying duplicate feeds on load more.
- Minor bug fixes.
= 2.4.0 - 19.03.2019 =
- API proxy setup setting added.
- Twitter embedding connection refused error handled.
- Google+ API deprecated and removed from the component.
- Fixing the problem of displaying Instagram user info on items.
- Fixing the load more problem of Instagram user items.
- Fixing the images lazy loading problem.
- Feature to disable images lazy loading on the social stream.
- Added the sb-img class to all image tags on social stream.
- Fixed the 'call stack size exceeded' issue on wall filtering.
- The problem of wall relayouting while doing load more fixed.
- Adding meta data to carousel items.
= 2.3.1 - 14.02.2019 =
- Fixing the problem of displaying Instagram user info on items.
- Updating documentation URL.
= 2.3.0 - 13.01.2019 =
Instagram hashtag feed API deprecated and replaced with a new solution.
Feature to get other Instagram user public feeds without an access
- Flickr Photoset/Album feed support added.
= 2.2.0 - 20.11.2018 =
- New : Adding image proxy feature to support caching images.
New : Feature to connect and generate Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn API
credentials directly in plugin.
- Fix : Fixing embed images style issue in the carousel.
= 2.1.0 - 02.11.2018 =
New : Display a preview of simple shared links in tweets on the item.
- New : Feature to add custom height for carousel items.
- Fix : Displaying Facebook Likes and Comments count.
= 2.0.0 - 26.08.2018 =
- New : Adding a feature to display embeds in the twiiter feeds.
- New : Adding Flickr Social Network.
- New : Adding VK Social Network.
- New : Adding SoundCloud Social Network.
= 1.0.9 - 15.08.2018 =
- Fix : Some of notice errors fixed.
= 1.0.8 - 18.07.2018 =
- Page scroll lazy load problem fixed.
= 1.0.7 - 20.06.2018 =
- Fixing issue of custom code Ads.
- Fixing issue of not applying themes.
- Fixing issue of links color.
- Fixing issue of timezone.
= 1.0.6 - 29.04.2018 =
Fixing the image loading problem when multiple carousels added on the
same page.
- Fixing https images loading for Facebook shared item type.
= 1.0.5 - 10.04.2018 =
- Fix : Instagram user public feed deprecated problem fixed.
= 1.0.4 - 12.03.2018 =
- Fix : Loading only published Ads to streams.
= 1.0.3 - 07.03.2018 =
- Fixing the wall re-layout option problem.
= 1.0.0 - 24.10.2017 =